Java for Jesus: Getting Past Your Personal Failures

Are there things in your past that you wish you could change? If each of us could erase certain events from our lives, I’m sure all of us would be busying erasing right now!  However, it’s important not to let these past failures affect following God’s plan for our lives.  Let’s talk about how God can help us leave the past behind and move forward with confidence.

Make plans to meet us on Saturday, March 17th  @ 9:30am at Bennu Coffee (2001 E. MLK — about a block from the church). The topic will be Getting Past Your Personal Failure from the Getting Past Your Past series that we started a few of months ago. This will be our last Coffee House Bible Study before switching to Adventure Bible Studies for the Spring and Summer.

RSVP on Evite | RSVP on Facebook

This group session will be led by Jessica Spence and Aaron Terry and is open to all. The links to the materials are below. Expect to receive an Evite early next week.

Materials: Talk it Over | Sermon that study is based on

Invite and bring a friend along with you! For questions, please just reply to this message, email us at, or post a comment here on our DCYA Facebook Page. For questions on the day of the event, call or text Aaron Terry @ 512-698-1906.

About Young Adult Ministry

DCYA is a community of single or married young adults aged 18-36 committed to building meaningful relationships, serving our community, and developing our spiritual maturity. Stay connected with us through our newsletter or through our Facebook page.