Mission II: Women’s Evangelism Workshop on Saturday 2/11

The St. John Regular Baptist Association B.L.H. Bradshaw Mission II Women’s Convention is sponsoring an Evangelism Workshop on Saturday, February 11, 2012.

Registration ($5/person) will be at 9:30 A.M. and the workshop activities are 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Location: New Light Ebenezer Baptist Church
4706 Reyes Street
Austin, Texas 78721
Reverend Frank Cage, Host Pastor

Theme: “Experiencing Spiritual Empowerment for Making Disciples”
Scripture Focus: Luke 9:23-24; Acts 2:42-43; Matthew 28: 19-20

David Chapel’s Bro. Michael Jordan will serve as the musician/soloist for the workshop program.

For more information, contact: Sis. Crystal Jones @ 497-1936 or Sis. Annas Reed @ 255-2513.