National Back to Church Sunday

“Hey, how would you like to go to church with me this Sunday?”

Chances are you’ve never heard this phrase and most likely you have never spoken it…

Studies show that 82% of unchurched people would attend if someone invited them! Yet fewer than 2% of Christians ever invite an unchurched person! National Back to Church Sunday was designed to change that.

Some people have tried church, had a falling out, and never came back. Other people went to church in the past, moved or had a change in life circumstances. While others went to church in their youth, they drifted away. Some have just never been to church.

Most people who drop out of church haven’t lost their faith in God; they simply fell out of the habit of churchgoing. Most often, life became too busy and this means many of them could be open to returning to church.

While we strive to be a welcoming church all year long, David Chapel is excited to be among the 7,600 churches giving extra special emphasis on National Back to Church Sunday 2012.

Come worship with us on Sunday, September 16, 2012 and invite your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers!