Announcements for 3/1-3/7

These are the announcements for the week of March 1st thru 7th. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The Sunday school theme for the month of Mar1st- April 19th is: Like No Other: The life of Christ, next Sunday’s lesson is “A Birth Like no Other” The scripture passage is Luke 1:26-35. Please join us in study at 9:15 am.
  • Happy March Birthdays to the following David Chapel Senior Adults: Jessie Mercer, Rosalee Martin, Lois Hunt, Barbara Coursey,Thomye Bright, Farrie Harris, Mary Dallas, and Arthur Johnson.
  • Thanks for all your prayers, cards, flowers and phone calls. David Chapel Family we received a thank you card for Rev. Robert & Sandra Tapscott.
  • David Chapel Mission1 will hold our regular monthly meeting this Monday, March 2nd at 6:00 PM. In the Fellowship hall. This month’s lesson is entitled A Woman’s Need for Mental and Emotional Rest.” Please feel free to join us as we move through this year’s study.
  • The SHAPE class will take place on March 7, 2015 from 9-12 PM. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall today if you are interested. If you have any questions please contact Cathleen Caldwell or Terrance Deary at
  • If you desire a closer and more intimate walk with the Lord; we are beginning our journey on Wednesday night with “Returning to Holiness.” please see Deacon Robert Emerson or Sis. Coletta Haskin after morning worship in the fellowship hall to sign- up and order your books.
  • If you have a desire to serve on one of the committees for the 91st church anniversary please sign up in the fellowship hall after worship service today.
  • David Chapel Prayer Warriors and those interested in becoming a Prayer Warriors. Please join Deacon Kenneth Green after morning worship today for a brief meeting in Rooms 4 ABC.
  • Please remember Daylight Saving Time will be March 8, Don’t forget to adjustment your clocks: Spring forward.