Announcements for 3/22-3/28

These are the announcements for the week of March 22th thru 28th. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The Sunday school theme for the month of Mar 22th- April 19th is: Like No Other: The life of Christ, next Sunday’s lesson is “Death Like no Other” The scripture passage is Matthew 27:28-31; 45-50, 54. Please join us in study at 9:15 am.
  • There is no greater love than the love of your church family. Rev. Mary Brooks sent a card thanking Pastor Parker and the David Chapel membership for expressions of love.
  • Please plan to attend the 2015 Resurrection Program on March 28 @ 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.  Invite your family and friends to this memorable event as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ.
  • Calling All DC Diva. Please wear pink next Sunday, March 29th in honor of our DIVA Sisterhood!
  • Beautify the sanctuary for the Easter season!   We encourage you to bring a lily to decorate the church in memory of a loved one.  To participate, purchase a lily and place it in the sanctuary by the last Sunday in March.  Then, submit the name to either Sis. Ernestine Hill or Sis. Edith McKinney no later than Wednesday, April 1st.
  • You are cordially invited to the Music, Worship and Fine Arts Ministry Fellowship on Saturday, March 28th at 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We are requesting all Students, Parents and Adult participants are present at this fellowship.
  • The Tuesday Morning Bible Study will begin their new study” Living Faith in Daily Life” starting Tuesday, March 31st at 10:00 am in the fellowship hall.
  • Girl Scout Troop 776, in conjunction with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Advocacy Project, is hosting  the 2015 Handbags for Hope Campaign and is collecting gently used or new purses that will be donated to women shelters across Texas. A labeled box will be located in the Fellowship Hall until April 6th. You may contact Sydney Zanders or Nicole Taylor for additional Information.
  • Can you imagine riding a bicycle from Houston to Austin? We have two members doing just that to fund research for the National MS Society in the 31st Annual BP MS150 on April 18-19th. Richard Overton and Aaron Terry need your prayers and support as they join with 13,000 cyclists making the two day trip. If you need more information please see them at the MS150 table in the Fellowship Hall after worship.