These are the announcements for the week of March 15th thru 21st. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- You’re invited to attend Sunday school at 9:15 am. Next Sunday’s lesson is “Ascended Like no Other” The scripture passage is Act 1: 3-11.
- Mission One will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 6th @ 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall.
- DC High School graduating seniors! Pick up your scholarship application outside the office of Rev. Williams. Return the completed application no later than Sunday, April 19, to the Student Minister’s box.
- Please join us as we celebrate our 91st Church Anniversary on April 26th. We will have a luncheon immediately following morning worship service @ the Doubletree hotel . Tickets are $25 for Adult and $10 for children. There will be a representative in the fellowship hall after morning worship if you would like to purchase a ticket.
- DC Veterans who served in WWII, Vietnam, and Korean War will be honored by the St. John Senior Mission at its Annual Spring Banquet, on April 17th @ 7 pm. If you’re interested in tickets which cost 35.00. Please see Sis. Judith Smith.
- We are in the process of printing a Pictorial Directory for Senior Adults. If your name is not on the Senior Adult list please turn in to the church office by April 30th.
- The City of Austin is hosting a 2015 Career Expo on Tuesday, April 14th from noon to 5:00 pm at the Palmer Events Center.
- David Chapel members and guests, please join me in welcoming our new members, Jade Ray, Melvin & Natasha Bedford and Betty Robinson. Welcome to your DC family.