Announcements for 5/24 – 5/30

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • You’re invited to attend Sunday school at 9:15 am. Next Sunday’s lesson is “Stick with Acceptance” The scripture passage is Romans 14:1-4, 13-19. All adult classes will study combined in the sanctuary.
  • Deadline to register for the “Desperate for Jesus” Conference hosted by the Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship church in Dallas, Texas on July 25th is June 7th. There will be a representative from the Women’s Ministry in the fellowship hall for more information and register.
  • We are still collecting diapers for the DC Diaper Drive. The diapers will be given to babies, toddlers and seniors throughout the month of May. Please place your donated items in the designated box in the fellowship Hall.
  • Are you ready for some fun, games, good food and fellowship!! You don’t want to miss our second fun-filled Music, Worship and Fine Arts Fellowship on Saturday, May 30 at 12:00 noon. Contact Michael Jordan for more information.
  • Are you ready for some fun, games, good food and fellowship!! You don’t want to miss our second fun-filled Music, Worship and Fine Arts Fellowship on Saturday, May 30 at 12:00 noon. Contact Michael Jordan for more information.
  • The Children, Youth and Young Adults Annual Weekend will be June 12-14, 2015. We invite you to participate and enjoy three days of events. Friday Fun Night, Scholarship Banquet on Saturday evening at the Norris Conference Center, and Sunday Worship Service. The tickets for the banquet are $ 10.00. You may purchase tickets for the banquet starting today and June 7th in the fellowship hall after morning worship. If you have any questions, please contact Miguel Green, Kevin Overton-Hadnot or Leonie Jones.
  • Platinum Plus Senior Adults Ministry will be host to a Summer Social on Saturday, June 6th from 1pm to 3 pm in the fellowship Hall. All DC seniors and their guests are welcome. Games and food will be provided. Come and have a fun time.