These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- The Sunday school theme for the month of June 7th- July 12th is: Be Strong and Courageous: Everyday Leadership from Joshua, next Sunday’s lesson is “Accept Your Leadership Role” The scripture passage is Joshua 1:1-9. Please join us in study at 9:15 a.m.
- Deadline to register for the “Desperate for Jesus” Conference hosted by the Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship church in Dallas, Texas on July 25th is to June 7th. There will be a representative from the Women’s Ministry in the fellowship hall for more information and register.
- Come learn how to manage type2 diabetes by making small changes, step by step. DC will be hosting a “free” Diabetes Healthy Living class on every Saturday starting June 13th – July 25th, from 10:am-12:00 pm. Contact Rev. Barnetta Emerson for more information. Registration will take place in the fellowship hall after morning worship!
- The Children, Youth and Young Adults Annual Weekend will be June 12-14, 2015. We invite you to participate and enjoy three days of events. Friday Fun Night, Scholarship Banquet on Saturday evening at the Norris Conference Center, and Sunday Worship Service. The tickets for the banquet are $ 10.00. You may purchase tickets for the banquet starting today and June 7th in the fellowship hall after morning worship. If you have any questions, please contact Miguel Green, Kevin Overton-Hadnot or Leonie Jones.
- The Platinum Plus Senior Adults Ministry will be host to a Summer Social on Saturday, June 6th from 1pm to 3 pm in the fellowship Hall. All DC seniors and their guests are welcome. Games and food will be provided. Come and have a fun time.
- For 25 years Family Eldercare’s Summer Fan Drive has provided outreach and relief to some of the most vulnerable people in our community. The idea is simple: purchase an inexpensive fan to help provide some relief form the Texas heat. Please join DC Divas as we partner with Family Eldercare in this annual endeavor. A representative will be in the fellowship hall today if you need more information.
- DC Senior Adults are in the process of compiling a souvenir booklet to honor and celebrate our seniors during our Platinum Plus Annual this September 2015. Interested participants are asked to write a short biographical sketch. (less than 50 words) We will also need a photo. Married couples may have photos taken together. If you do not currently have a photo, our church photographers will be taking photos each Sunday after morning service during the month of June. Info maybe submitted electronically. Dead line for all information is June 28, 2015.
- The Austin Chapter of The Links, Incorporated will conduct a workshop for seniors age 50 and up on June 13th at the Willie Mae Kirk Library from 11am to 2 pm. The objective of the forum is to help empower the participants to transform their lives through financial wisdom.
- David Chapel members and guests, please join me in welcoming our new members Patton and Rashandra Sides. Welcome to your DC Family!