These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- You’re invited to attend Sunday school at 9:15 am. Next Sunday’s lesson is “Stick to God’s Plan” The scripture passage is Joshua 6:1-5, 12-16, 20.
- The Final Deadline to register for the “Desperate for Jesus” Conference is June 28. There will be a representative in the fellowship hall each Sunday after worship.
- David Chapel is hosting a “free” Diabetes Healthy Living class on every Saturday thru July 25th. The next class will be June 27th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Please contact Rev. Barnetta Emerson for more information. Registration will take place in the fellowship hall after morning worship!
- Please join DC Divas as we partner with Family Eldercare in this annual endeavor. The idea is simple: purchase an inexpensive fan to help provide some relief from the Texas heat. A representative will be in the fellowship hall today if you need more information.
- Attention DC MEMBERS 65 AND OLDER: Deacon Emerson will be taking photos in the portable immediately following Worship Service for seniors each Sunday in June. All you need to do is just show up and give him a big smile. The deadline for taking your photo is June 28th.
- Family Enrichment Week is coming June 22-26. Please sign up for FEW in the fellowship hall after morning worship.
- DC men are participating in Austin Juneteenth parade on June 20th. This is a way DC show the community that DC does have a “Heart for the Community” by sharing the Roman Road to Salvation and distributing ice cold water at the parade. All DC men are asked to purchase two case of bottle water. If you are unable to purchase the water but would still like to share, a financial donation is welcome to purchase ice Please see Deacon Nick Gipson, Michael Toliver or Bro. Emerson. Please bring your water and place in the Fellowship Hall before June 20th.
- Your special ways and generous heart make a beautiful difference. To the women of DC and DC family, words cannot express the gratitude of my heart. DC received a thank you card from the “Woman of the Year” Lashanda Kaye Crosby.