These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- The Sunday school theme for the month of Sept 6- Oct 11th is: Stand Strong: Building Your Life on God’s Promises next Sunday’s lesson is “God’s Promise of Provision.” The scripture passage is Psalm 34: 4-14. Please join us in study at 9:15 am.
- There is Power in Prayer. Pastor Parker is teaching a 5 week series on prayer. If you haven’t purchased your book you may still do so after morning worship in the fellowship Hall today. The cost is 8.00.
- Attention DC Children and Youth Volunteer Workers: there will be a mandatory CPR Training on Saturday, September 26th at 8:45 am to 11:00 am in the Rm 4abc. Please plan to attend.
- Are you interested in serving as a Bible study teacher or facilitator? Please sign up in the fellowship hall after worship today. For additional information please refer to the September edition of the Pulse.
- All married couples “The Marriage Enrichment Ministry” invite you to join us for an exciting evening of Fun and Fellowship on Saturday 26th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, in the fellowship hall.
- Attention: David Chapel high school students if you are interested in joining the Xinos or Kudos youth group of the National Sorority of Phi delta Kappa, Inc., please see the following Delta Beta Chapter Soros here at DC after worship service today.
- Mark your calendar and save the date, we are going to celebrate Twenty-three years of service for Pastor Parker and his family. Special Events includes “Hats off to Sis. Parker” Brunch, Saturday, October 3rd at 10:00 am at Maggiano’s Little Italy@ at The Domain. Ladies where your fancy hats and pearls and come celebrate our First Lady. The cost is 15.00, and on October 10th T-Off with Pastor Parker at Top Golf at 10:00 am. The cost is 30 dollars that includes 2 hours of golf and brunch. Sis. Lisa and Bro. Andre Horton will be in the FH if you would like to sign up and pay for the events.