These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- You’re invited to attend Sunday school at 9:15 am. Next Sunday’s lesson is “God’s Promise of Answered Prayers” The scripture passage is Luke 11: 5-13.
- Attention DC Children and Youth Volunteer Workers: there will be a mandatory CPR Training on Saturday, September 26th at 8:45 am to 11:00 am in the Rm 4abc. Please plan to attend.
- Are you interested in serving as a Bible study teacher or facilitator? Please sign up in the fellowship hall after worship today. For additional information please refer to the September edition of the Pulse.
- ATTN: Married couples “The Marriage Enrichment Ministry” invite you to join us for an exciting evening of Fun and Fellowship on Saturday 26th from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, in the Portable.
- Please come to the fellowship hall after morning service to sign up for the next offering from your DC Financial Ministry. We will be studying the book, 10 Steps to Financial Freedom. You will be blessed.