Announcements for 11/29 – 12/5

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The Sunday School Theme for the month of December 6th through January 17th is: “Priceless: Finding Your Value in God”. Next Sunday’s lesson is “Adopted into God’s Family” The scripture passage is 1John 3:1-10. Please join us in Study at 9:15 a.m.
  • DC will again participate in the Angel Tree Ministry this holiday season, the ministry where DC members purchase two Christmas gifts for children whose parents are in prison. Please stop by the Angel tree table for more information or contact Rev. Robert Tapscott, Jakki Dozier or Michelle Banks.
  • Calling all DC Divas to attend our upcoming “DIVAS Christmas Bash” on December 4th from 6-9 pm in the fellowship hall. Come out and enjoy a night of good food, fun and fellowship. There will be a representative in the fellowship hall after morning worship to sign up.
  • Attention Ladies, would you like to donate some of your old Christmas Decorations? The DC WEM Ministry would like to make Christmas center pieces for the holiday. We need greenery, tree bulbs, pine cones and other items that can be used. Please contact Sis. Lorena Griffin @ 512-443-2677 for more information.
  • Attention DC Children and Youth Volunteer Workers: there will be a mandatory CPR Training on Saturday, December 5th at 8:45 am to 11:00 am in the Nursery If you have already taken the training then this does not apply to you. Please contact Tashia Coleman or Shalane Sheppard for more information. Please plan to attend.