Announcements for 1/17 – 1/23

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The new Sunday School theme is Distinct: Living Above the Norm, and the lesson for next Sunday is “Distinct in My Character.” The scripture reference is Matthew 5:1-12. David Chapel members and guests are invited to study with us each Sunday at 9:15 am.
  • Ministry and auxiliary leaders, please remember to request space in the fellowship hall to register and purchase tickets and books by 5 pm the Wednesday before your planned activity. All requests need to be submitted to the office staff. Thanks for your cooperation!
  • The first quarter parent meeting of iAM Ministry parents is Sunday, January 24, in the portable after worship. Rev. Courtney Williams and the iAM leaders are planning exciting programs and activities for 2016. Parents, don’t miss this opportunity to learn what’s coming up for thnursery, kids and youth of David Chapel.
  • If you are interested in serving as a Bible teacher or facilitator, please sign up today after worship in the fellowship hall. The first of the three sessions will be Saturday, January 23, from 9:30 am – 12 pm.
  • Attention all men: The first quarterly breakfast is this Saturday, January 23, from 9 am – 12 pm. A $5 donation is requested of everyone 12 years old and above. You are invited to bring children. Register and make your donation in the fellowship hall after worship today.
  • The Nursery is sponsoring a Pajamas and Popcorn event from 3-5 pm Saturday, January 23. This activity is for parents and children ages 1-5. You are invited to bring pillows, stuffed animals, and/or blankets.
  • DC Women and guests, you are invited to study and connect with other women in 2016 by being part of the Women’s Enrichment Ministry’s Bible Study sessions. Community and Quadrant studies will bTuesdays at 11 am at David Chapel and at 7 pm offsite in host homes. Register and purchase books in the fellowship hall through February 7. Classes will begin Tuesday, February 9. For more information, see Sis. Lois Hunt or Sis. Coletta Haskin.
  • January 31 is the deadline to register for Affordable Healthcare. Information brochures are available n the display case in the fellowship hall.
  • Please join me in welcoming these new members to our David Chapel family: Corderro Johnson, Tabitha McDaniel, and Shenise Ramdeen.