These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- The Sunday school theme for July 17 – August 21 is Refinance: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Money Management, and the lesson for next Sunday is “Invest Money Wisely,” with Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 as the scripture. David Chapel members and guests are invited to study with us each Sunday at 9:15 a. m.
- David Chapel members you are invited. Pastor Parker and Sis. Parker will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary with a reception immediately following worship in the fellowship hall on Sunday, August 21st. There will be a special box in the sanctuary each Sunday for your congratulatory messages and cards.
- During the month of August, the Nursery and Children’s Ministries are asking donors to give household, kitchen, bath, and bedroom items to the Ronald McDonald House to assist persons having to reside there during the illness of a family member. See the August Edition of the Pulse for more information.
- Happy August birthdays to the following DC senior adults: Ethel Ponson – Aug. 3rd, Susanella Phillips – Aug. 9th, Mary Watson – Aug. 15th, Alicia Kuykendall – Aug. 26th. We wish you many more.
- Please help students with school supplies for 2016-2017 by bringing donations to the fellowship hall during the month of August.
- David Chapel family members and guests, please, join me in welcoming three new members: J’Keyse Sorrells, Jarrell and Chanell Woods, and Justin Smith. God Bless You!