Announcements for 10/2 – 10/8

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The Sunday school lesson for next Sunday is: “One Great Task,” (2 Timothy 2:1-10). David Chapel members and guests are invited to study with us at 9:15 am.
  • Thank You! The office received the following thank you cards from the families of Rev. Vernese Roberts, Shalane Sheppard and Helen Johnson. Thank you for the cards, prayers, and visits when we needed it most.
  • Mission One will hold its regular monthly meeting and “birthday bash,” Monday, October 3, at 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Please make plans to attend as there will be an introduction to the new course of study.
  • David Chapel members and guests, please join us next weekend as we celebrate our Pastor and family for 24 years of service. You are invited to participate in this joyous time Friday, October 7th, at 7:00 pm for an “evening of celebration”, featuring Chester Baldwin. We will culminate with worship Sunday, October 9th at 10:30 am. Our guest preacher will be Rev. Todd Wheelock. If you wish to participate in honoring our Pastor and family with a love offering, special envelopes are located behind the pews and a decorated box is available for your congratulatory messages and cards.
  • Your financial ministry team is planning a 4 week class beginning Sunday, October 16th through November 6th during the Sunday school hour 9:15 am – 10:15 am. Sign up today after worship!
  • Discover Who God Made You To Be by taking the S.H.A.P.E. assessment! Classes are held second Sunday’s each month. For more information and class materials, please see a SHAPE Coordinator in the fellowship hall after worship.
  • #TOGODEVERYONEMATTERS t-shirts. TODAY ONLY is the FINAL day to place your order. A member of MWFA will be available in the fellowship hall after worship.