XO Marriage Conference and Weekend Getaway

The Marriage Enrichment Ministry invites you to strengthen your marriage while having fun at the XO 2018 Conference & Weekend Getaway on March 23rd and 24th.

Our local simulcast host site of this national conference will be held at the Courtyard Marriot Pflugerville and will feature Max Lucado, Jimmy & Karen Evans, and a host of others speakers and activities designed to bring you and your spouse closer. You will be one of the thousands of participants joining together for this historical global event.

Cost is $290 per couple and includes conference registration, hotel room and meals.

The event runs from Friday, March 23rd @ 6pm through Saturday, March 24th @ 2pm.


Get away for the weekend and experience this unforgettable weekend at the Courtyard Marriot Pflugerville – Conference Center located at 16100 Impact Way, Pflugerville, Texas, 78660.

We have 25 rooms  blocked and are priced significantly lower than the traditional rate.

Hotel room and meals are included with your conference registration. Once you register and pay for the conference we’ll take of reserving your room.


We are thrilled to have you join us for this year’s simulcast, we know it will be a powerful event for you and your spouse.

Register in-person within the DC Fellowship Hall on Sundays after Church through February 25th (Contact Coletta Haskin, Lorena Griffin or Shelby Cuthrell. You can also register online using the form below the video.

Win Free Registration and Hotel Stay

Want a free night stay with your significant other? Just personally register the most couples that attend the event. If you do that, you and your spouse will have your complete conference package covered by the B.O.M.B. Marriage Enrichment Ministry Team.

Thank you for building your marriage and sharing this experience with your friends.

Register Online

Register for the conference online by filling out the form below.