These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar.
- November is “Celebrate Recovery Month”
- The next Sunday school lesson for November 11th is: “A Prayer of Confession” (Matt. 6:11b; John 17:11-23). Join us for study at 9:15 am.
- Please help us wish a Happy November birthday to our senior adults; Bro. Andrew McCall , Bro. Sherman Coleman , Sis. Jearline Stephens , Sis. Sedalia Johnson , Sis. Beatrice Gibson , Sis. Lois White , Bro. Charles Walker , Sis. Ernestine Hill , and Sis. Rozenna Sanders . Senior adults we salute you!
- The senior adult ministry presents the “Amtrak Train Ride Excursion” to Temple, TX, on Friday, December 7, 2018. The full cost is $37, payment is due at sign-up. For more information, please visit the table in the fellowship hall today.
- The Women’s Enrichment Ministry invites you to come see “The Nutcracker” on Saturday, December 8th. Tickets are available today only with a special David Chapel price of $61.20. Payment is due at sign-up. For more information, visit the table in the fellowship hall.
- The next study of “Pathway to Purpose for Women” is November 6, at 11 am and 7 pm.
- Join us for Wednesday night worship, November 7, at 7:00 pm, and for the next Wednesday Bible study on “The Prayer of Jabez” is November 14th, at 7:00 pm.
- If you signed up to donate items to College Ministry Care Packages, please bring your letters and care package items to the table in fellowship hall after worship. Additionally, young adults, you are invited to join us as we stuff the care packages and have a potluck game night event on Friday, November 9th from 7:00-10:00PM, at The Cat Mountain Clubhouse, located at 6007 Mt. Bonnell Rd., Austin, TX 78731. To RSVP, please connect with Sis. Janetta Parker.
- Do you have a prayer request? Need someone to pray for you? Then join us each Monday and Saturday at 6:00 am on the David Chapel prayer line. The call-in number is 515-603-3106, then enter 257311# to participate. All are welcome to join.
- David Chapel would like to honor our veteran members who served in the Armed Forces with a display of their photos & bios during the week of November 5th. Refreshments will be served after service on Sunday November 11th.
- David Chapel will again participate in the Angel Tree Ministry this holiday season. You may select a nametag from the tree in the fellowship hall after worship on the remaining Sundays in November.
- Pastor Parker and members, please help us welcome our newest members, Scott Obey and Joy Sampson. You are welcomed to your church family.
- Follow and support us on Instagram! Download the app today. Follow us at “davidchapelmbc” for updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more. Take a selfie of your worship experience today!
- Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at
Thank you for your attention to this week’s announcement highlights