Announcements 1/6-1/12

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar.

  1. The Sunday school theme for January 13th through February 24, 2019 is “Engaging Culture in an Ever-Changing World.” The Sunday school lesson for January 12th is: “When Life is Expendable” (Exodus 1:16-17, 22; 2:9). Please, Join us for study at 9:15 am.
  2. Pastor Parker will be preaching at the St. John Baptist Association Mid-Winter Institute/Revival, and he would love for you to join him. Make plans to attend on Wednesday, January 16th at 7pm at the St. John Tabernacle.
  3. David Chapel! Remember “Bring-A-Friend Sunday? Well it’s 2019 and we are bringing it back! We are asking everyone-yes, all generations of the church-to bring a friend, or a couple, to church Sunday, January 27th. This will be a great service filled with music, fellowship and of course a powerful message! We need ALL of you to make this a success. Don’t count on the person in the pew next to you bringing someone-You can do it to0! See you and your friend on Sunday, January 27th for a service focused on “the heart for the community!”
  4. The Marriage Enrichment Ministry is calling on all married couples to join in on a couple of exciting upcoming events! There will be a “Fellowship Event” Saturday, February 16, at the home of Albert and Jackie Hawkins, and “Save the Date,” for the weekend of March 22-23, 2019, for the “Victorious Marriage Summit” at Oak Cliff Fellowship Bible Church in Dallas. For more information, please see the monthly January Pulse publication.
  5. Follow and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc” for updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more. Take a selfie of your worship experience today!
  6. Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at

Thank you for your attention to this week’s announcement highlights