The Sunday school lesson for February 10th is: “When Marriage is Questioned” (Genesis 2:18-25). Please, Join us for study at 9:15 am.
David Chapel please help us wish Happy February Birthday to our senior adults: Bro. Royce Caldwell & Sis. Judith Smith; Sis. Lorene Cook; Rev. Barnetta Emerson & Bro. Albert Hawkins; Sis. Evelyn Rhone ; Sis. Vivian Hood Rowe & Bro. George Slaughter ; Sis. Sarah Jackson & Sis. Gloria Richards; Sis. Joyce Harris & Bro. Sandy Johnson, and Bro. Carl Barnett. We salute you!
Pastor Parker and DC members received a thank you card from Sis. Consuela “Connie” Caldwell. Thank you for all of the heartfelt love and support shown to me throughout my surgery and recovery. May the Lord bless and keep you.
Calling All Platinum Plus! As many of you know February is a month symbolizing LOVE! The iAM Young Adult/College Ministry would like to show love to the Senior Adult Ministry in need of assistance throughout the month of February. We are asking those members to sign-up in the fellowship hall immediately after worship today, for assistance with a single task such as: running an errand, bringing lunch, painting nails, etc. Due to time constraints, today is the only day to sign-up.
The Marriage Enrichment Ministry is calling on all married couples to attend the upcoming Marriage Ministry fellowship Saturday, February 16, from 5-7 p.m., at the home of Albert and Jackie Hawkins. Please see any marriage ministry leader for more information, Deacon Leonard & Sis. Coletta Haskin, Bro. Kenneth & Shelby Cuthrell, and Deacon Robert & Markla Hall.
ATTENTION members and guests, the upcoming Austin Marathon is Sunday, February 17th, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. which may affect your route to David Chapel for Sunday school and morning worship. Visit City of Austin’s website for the marathon map for more information.
Women’s Enrichment Ministry asks all women to attend the Women’s Prayer Brunch next Saturday, February 9th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Please sign-up in the fellowship hall today only. A headcount is needed for preparation for the prayer brunch. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information see ministry leaders Sis. Coletta Haskin, Sis. Eunice Ransburg, and Sis. Doris Scott.
East Austin RELAY FOR LIFE-DC Walking Disciples! Beginning February 10, Sis. Nancy Johnson will be in the fellowship hall accepting donations through April 26th, for Relay for Life. If you wish to make donations online please visit The walk event will be held at Huston-Tillotson, April 26th. Anyone wishing to help with this event, or take over leadership, please contact Sis. Johnson by phone.
Follow and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc” for updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more. Take a selfie of your worship experience today!
Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at Members please view your email for your electronic copy of the February Pulse publication.
Thank you for your attention to this week’s announcement highlights