Join us for Sunday school at 9:15 am. The lesson for April 28th is: “Sell Everything You Have” (Matthew 19:16-26).
We received thank you cards from the following: Sis. Doris Scott, Deacon & Sis. Kenneth & Brenda Green, and Sis. Crystal Jones expressing their sincere thanks to the church for the outpouring of love, generosity, and support.
Join us for Prayer & Praise and Wednesday night Bible study on April 24, at 7:00 p.m. for Pastor Parker’s lesson on on “Living Generously”.
Members, Pastor Parker wants to hear from you! The list of remaining listening sessions is in today’s bulletin, make your plans to attend..
RELAY For Life: Today is the last day to accept donations in person. After today you’ll need to give online by going to the and searching for our team. As of today we are $773 short of our $3000 goal and 4th out of 42 teams. Join us Friday, April 26th from 7:00p.m. to 12:00 a.m at Huston-Tillotson University. See Sis. Nancy Johnson following worship for more information.
College Care Packages: After worship, visit the Young Adult/College Ministry table to learn how to donate for care package items for our college students. Bring your purchased items to the church by next Sunday. We need YOUR help to make this initiative a success! If you have a college student who did not receive a care package last semester, please stop by the table Sunday to provide your information.
Attention all DC Women, it’s that time again to nominate and vote for the “2019 Woman of the Year.” Nominations are April 21 thru April 30th. Voting will be available May 1st thru May 5th. Nomination ballots will be available in the fellowship hall today. Please place completed nomination forms in the secured voucher box outside Pastor Parker’s office. For more information, please see or contact Sis. Doris Scott.
Calling ALL DC Men! Please join the men’s ministry for a Men’s movie night out. The movie “Kingdom Men Rising” will be shown Tuesday, April 30th at 7 pm at the Tinsletown Cinemark 20 & XD Theater in Pflugerville. Tickets costs $15.37 including tax per person and seating is reserved. See a men’s ministry coordinator after church to submit payment or can purchase your ticket online at Spouses are welcome.
The Women’s Enrichment Ministry presents an event to honor the “mother” in your life with a “Hat’s Off to Mothers” Tea, Saturday, May 11, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in the fellowship hall. For more information, please see the flyer in today’s bulletin or see Sis. Doris Scott.
The Senior Adult Ministry invites everyone to an observe of “World Day of Prayer” Saturday, May 4th, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Join us to pray for Unity, peace, healing, deliverance, justice/equality, and freedom at home and abroad. This is an around-the-world food tasting event. All are welcome!
Save the dates: Saturday, May 18, June 22, and July 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the portable. This information is available for all those who are currently teaching, small group facilitators and anyone interested in facilitating/teaching. A sign-up table will be available next Sunday, April 28, after worship. Please see or contact Sis. Mary Caldwell for more information.
Members and guest, try out new mobile and online giving system. Please see the back of your bulletin for more information.
Follow and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc” for updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more.
Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at