Try out new mobile and online giving system. Please see the back of your bulletin for more information.
Join us for Sunday school at 9:15 am. The lesson for July 7th is: “The Samaritan Woman: Faith worth Sharing” (John 4:10-18, 28-30) from the theme: “Living by Faith: Women Who Trusted God”.
Pastor Parker and guests, the office received a “thank you” card for the family of Bro. Calvin Kelly and family expresses their sincere thanks to David Chapel for your support during their time of bereavement, it is greatly appreciated.
The church office will be closed Thursday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day holiday.
We are all called to share the Gospel and make disciples, but may Christians don’t know how. This August, David Chapel will launch our 4-week evangelism training “Fearless Evangelism!” This training will feature seven different approaches to evangelism and help you learn how to share your faith fearlessly. Registration cards have been placed throughout the sanctuary behind the offering envelopes for your convenience. Sign-up today and you’re your cards off in the designated boxes on your way out. The training starts Sunday, August 4, at 9:15 a.m. here in the sanctuary.
Today is the last day to donate to the annual “fan drive.” Please purchase a box fan, oscillating fan or make monetary donations of $15. Your donations and support are effective and appreciated. For more information, please see or contact Sis. Jakki Dozier.
Attention all women. Signup today for the “Desperate for Jesus Conference” at the Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas on July 26-27th. For more information stop by the table in the fellowship hall or contact Sis. Eunice Ransburg.
Wednesday night Prayer & Praise and Bible study will be “on break” for July 3rd. Wednesday Night worship will resume on July 10th and the next Bible study series will begin July 17th.
The senior adult ministry extends an open invitation to all persons interested in going on the Amtrak train excursion to Temple, Texas and their Heritage museum tour. The train ride is set for travel on Thursday, September 26th. Please see Sis. Ora McCormick following worship on how to sign-up and the cost through Sunday, July 14th.
Join Pastor Parker on a 2021 trip to the Holy Land with an option to travel to Egypt, with plenty of time to pay. Pick up a brochure in foyer or visit the church website.
Follow and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc” for weekly posts, updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more.
Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at