Announcements 8/4 – 8/10

  1. Please try out our mobile and online giving system. Please see the back of your bulletin for more information. 
  2. Join us at 9:15am each Sunday during the month of August for our 4-week evangelism training called “Fearless Evangelism!” featuring seven different approaches to help you learn how to share your faith fearlessly. Registration cards have been placed throughout the sanctuary behind the offering envelopes for your convenience. Please complete the cards and drop them off in the designated boxes on your way out. See you next Sunday at 9:15 a.m.
  3. Members and guests, please help us wish a happy August senior adult birthday members Sis. Katie Jones (Aug 2); Sis. Ethel Ponson (Aug 3), Sis. Jacquelyn Hawkins and Sis. Pat Walker (Aug 9); Sis. J. LaVerne Parker (Aug 11); Sis. Mary Watson (Aug 15); Sis. Yvonne Barnett (Aug 25); Sis. Jeanette Peten (Aug 26), and Bro. Warren Washington (Aug 28). We salute you!
  4. David Chapel members, the office received a thank you card from the McLennan/Watrous family during their time of bereavement.
  5. On Wednesday, August 7th, at 7:00 p.m. there will be NO worship service.  We will continue our next bible study, Wednesday, August 14 at 7:00 p.m. All a welcome!
  6. The Women’s Enrichment Ministry hosts: “David Chapel Goes to the Movie….Overcomer!” Saturday, August 24th at the Regal Cinemas Gateway. Please visit the table in the fellowship hall following worship today or next Sunday to sign-up and pay for your tickets! Costs are $8.75 per person. Invite a friend!
  7. The steering committee for the 27th Pastoral Appreciation are making preparations. If you would like to be on a committee, please visit the table in the fellowship hall after worship today. Let’s show our Pastoral family how much we love and appreciate them! Please contact Sis. Michelle Scruggs or Sis. Mary Caldwell for more information.
  8. The Women’s Enrichment Ministry would like to thank all who contributed to the 2019 Fan Drive to help Family Eldercare.  Your outstanding support of this endeavor provided 8 fans and $910 in monetary funds towards the purchase of fans for the elderly, disabled, and families with young children.
  9. On Wednesday, August 7, 2019, Rev. Ryan Sutton is preaching the Youth revival at St. John Tabernacle. All members and guests are invited to attend the 7:00 p.m. service.
  10. Join Pastor Parker on a 2021 trip to the Holy Land with an option to travel to Egypt, with plenty of time to pay. Pick up a brochure in foyer or visit the church website.
  11. The August monthly publication is available for pick up on the table in the foyer following worship.
  12. Follow and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc” for weekly posts, updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more.