- Please help us wish a Happy December Birthday to the following Senior Adults, Bro. Emil Hyman (Dec 3); Bro. Alex Brown (Dec 5); Sis. Lorena Griffin (Dec 6); Sis. Carolyn Harvey (Dec 8); Sis. Bernice Miller (Dec 9); Sis. Shirley Easley (Dec 11); Sisters Marietta Noel & Pauline Starnes (Dec 17); Bro. Cecil Reed (Dec 18); Bro. Nick Gibson (Dec 20); Sis. Ora McCormick (Dec 22); Sis. Rosie McCall (Dec 26); and Sis. Jewel Moore (Dec 28). Senior adults, we salute you!
- Youth grades 6th – 12th, join us on Sundays at 9am for Youth Bible Study. We are currently studying the Beatitudes, learning how to deal with clashing worldviews, and identifying the fruit of the spirit. Contact Keith Overton-Hadnot with any questions.
- Join us for Sunday school at 9:15 a.m. Our December topic lessons are: Dec 8-Is There a God?; Dec 15-Does Absolute Truth Exist?; Dec 22-Is Jesus God?; and Dec 29-Aren’t All Religions the Same? Let’s learn the Word of God together!
- Mission 1 will hold its regular meeting Monday, December 2nd at 2:00 P. M. in the fellowship hall.
- Join us for mid-week worship, Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m. Mid-week worship is held the 1st Wednesday’s each month.
- Attention all ministry leaders, please join Pastor Parker for the church advisory meeting, Tuesday, December 2 at 6:00 p.m. DC members, the annual stewardship meeting will be held Tuesday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend.
- Members and guests, the “Word for You Today” devotionals are available for pick-up after worship on the table in the foyer. Get your copy today!
- The Women’s Enrichment Ministry hosts “Christmas around the World” for women and girls, Friday, December 13, at 6:30 p.m. Sign-up today in the fellowship hall after worship. For more information see sisters Eunice Ransburg or Doris Scott.
- Each year we beautify the sanctuary with poinsettias in memory of a loved one. Next Sunday through December 22, please bring and place your poinsettias in the sanctuary and provide your loved one name to sisters Edith McKinney or Ernestine Hill by December 18.
- “Where Scriptures Come Alive.” Join Pastor Parker in The Holy Land in 2021. The tour is February 23 – March 4, 2021. See the registration form and brochure available on the table in the foyer and on the church website for more information on the deposit and payment installment plan.
- Guests and Members, for additional ministry activities and events please view the Pulse on the website at davidchapel.org.
- Until next week, we encourage you to follow, post and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc.”