Announcements 12/8-12/14

  1. REMINDER: The Women’s Enrichment Ministry hosts “Christmas around the World event” for women and girls, Friday, December 13, at 6:30 p.m. Please plan to attend!
  2. Congratulations! Rachel Forbes, the daughter of Deacon Robert and Mrs. Eunice Ransburg will graduate on Friday, December 13, at 8:00 a.m. from the University of North Texas. 
  3. Please join us for mid-week Bible study, Wednesday, December 11, at 7:00 p.m.  All are welcome!
  4. Each year we beautify the sanctuary with poinsettias in memory of a loved one. Each Sunday through December 22, please bring and place your poinsettias in the sanctuary and provide your loved one name to sisters Edith McKinney or Ernestine Hill by December 18.
  5. Today, please join Pastor Parker at 3:00 p.m. at CrossWork Chrisitan Center as they celebrate their 10th Church Anniversary. Their worship facility is located at 4 Applegate Circle in Round Rock, directly across from Sweet Home Baptist Church.  Pastor Parker will be preaching and our Praise Team will minister in song.
  6. Attention all ministry leaders, please note the date has changed for the next church advisory meeting to Tuesday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m. DC members, the annual stewardship meeting has been moved to Wednesday, December 18 at 6:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend.
  7. The nursery will be closed during Sunday morning worship from today through January 26, 2020, and will reopen February 2, 2020.
  8. Pastor Parker and members, please help us welcome our newest members to our church family, Sis. Lisa Moorer, and Sis. Kimberly Rogers! You are welcome!
  9. “Where Scriptures Come Alive.” Join Pastor Parker in The Holy Land in 2021. The tour is February 23 – March 4, 2021. See the registration form and brochure available on the table in the foyer and on the church website for more information. You can make your deposit and get set up on a payment installment plan.
  10. Guests and Members, additional ministry activities and events can be viewed in the Pulse Publication on the website at 
  11. Until next week, we encourage you to follow, post and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc.