1. The church received a “thank you” card to express thanks for all the phone calls, and texts, from the family of Deacon Robert & Sis. Marka Hall. 
  2. On Sunday, March 22, 2020, DC will celebrate our beloved Ushers and Greeters during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.  The theme is “Joyfully Serving and Delighting in God’s Word”. (1 Peter 4:10, NIV) and the guest minister is Rev. Johnny R. Spence, Pastor of the Zion Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Taylor, Texas. Invite some and we look forward to seeing you!
  3. Ministries of David Chapel, submit your April Pulse announcements by next Sunday, March 15, at
  4. Come out and join the Dr. Ruth Davis Sauls Scholarship Musicale, Sunday evening, March 22, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at David Chapel.
  5. SAVE THE DATE-March 29th. Do you enjoy cooking? Are you known for your culinary skills? If you said yes, we invite you to participate in Men Who Cook 2020! Donations from this activity will support the iAM youth Ministry, youth leadership retreat, monthly discipleship activities and mission-driven goals. Prizes will be awarded for Best Meat, Main course, side-dish and dessert! Sign up as a contestant by contacting  Rev. Robert Pellette or Rev. Ryan Sutton. Let’s get cookin! Tickets for this event are available in the fellowship after worship $10 for adults and $5 for children, ages 5 and below. 
  6. The 5th Sunday in March is designated as Building Fund Sunday, March 29. 
  7. The St. John Regular Baptist District Association Senior Mission will hold its annual Spring Banquet, Friday, April 3, at 7:00 p.m., at the Embassy Suites on North IH 35. This year the honorees are Deacon Wives. David Chapel’s honorees are Sis. Sue Gibson, Rev. Barnetta Emerson, Sis. Brenda Green, Sis. Linda Zanders, and Sis. Coletta Haskin.  This event supports scholarships and donations are accepted. If you would like to attend the banquet, please contact Sisters Judith Smith or Bessie Evans. 
  8. Relay for Life: all participants, survivors included, are asked to register either online or pick up a form from Sis. Nancy Johnson or Sis. Diana Sonko.  Donations are being accepted now and up to the day of the relay and support the American Cancer Society. The “Survivor’s Dinner” will be held April 23, 2020, @ 6 PM, at Mt Zion Baptist Church. T-shirts are free to survivors but you must register to ensure your size is correct.  Donations of $100.00 will receive a Hope t-shirt. Donate soon to ensure that you’ll have your shirt before the relay. Thank you in advance for your continued support of the D. C. Walking Disciples and the American Cancer Society.
  9. Additional ministry activities and events can be viewed in the Pulse Publication on the website at 
  10. Until next week, we encourage you to follow, post and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc.