Sunday Worship Service commences at 10:30 am
Doors open at 10:00 am
The COVID-19 Pandemic has greatly impacted so many significant aspects of our society, particularly how we interact with each other and conduct our daily lives. Since our return to in-person worship, we at David Chapel have been committed to protecting the health of our worshippers by observing safety protocols recommended by public health authorities.
Our plan for the Re-entry to In-Person Worship establishes a phased approach to resuming congregate activities. At present, only Sunday Worship Service is available as an in-person activity (and is still live-streamed also). Nursery services and other in-person activities are not available in this phase.
Our safety precautions, which include masking and social distancing, are delineated below.
Entering and Exiting the Building
- You are welcome to park in any of the David Chapel parking lots, and may enter the church through open doors at the front or back of the building
- Worshippers will be seated on alternate pews and all worshippers will be asked to move to the next available seat on the pew which is closest to the center aisle. Please respect and heed the instructions of the ushers so that we can get everyone seated in a safe and efficient manner.
- At the end of service you will be asked to use the exit on the same side of the sanctuary in which you are seated.
Safety Guidelines for Inside the Church Building
- We require that masks or other face coverings be worn inside the building
- We observe social distancing guidelines
- Only two people are allowed in the restrooms at a time. Persons seated on the right side of the sanctuary (facing the altar) should use the restrooms in the rear of the church. Persons seated on the left side of the sanctuary (facing the altar) should use the restrooms on that side (south side) of the church.
- Access to other areas of the building is restricted.
- You may continue to utilize our online giving platforms, but you may also give your tithe and offering in-person. Collection plates are placed at the rear of the church for your convenience.
- On First Sundays, Communion elements will be available on tables at each entrance. Please take one as you enter service.
Sanitization Protocols
- The sanctuary, restrooms and other common areas are disinfected before every worship service through the use of electrostatic sprayers and hand cleaning.
- Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are placed in various locations around the building for your convenience.
- Water fountains and the kitchen area are not available for use.
Please know that much prayer, planning and preparation has gone into the development and implementation of the re-entry plan. However, there may still be unforeseen challenges that arise as we go forward, and we ask that you please be patient and flexible as we move through this process.