Our Online Giving System Will Change July 1

Effective July 1st, David Chapel will switch from PushPay to the ShelbyNext Giving platform to process all our online, mobile and electronic payments.

ShelbyNext Giving is a secure and efficient system which offers the same digital conveniences currently available and will enable you to make contributions directly from your bank account or through a credit/debit card. Once you have completed the easy enrollment process, you will have the flexibility to give through the church website, mobile app, or by text.

The need to convert to this different online system is driven by two primary reasons.

  1. The transaction fees paid by David Chapel will be lower.
  2. The ShelbyNext Giving system will fully integrate with all modules of our existing church management system including membership data and church accounting

Existing Recurring Givers

Any automatic scheduled giving that you may have setup with PushPay will stop on June 30th. You’ll need to setup a new recurring giving schedule in ShelbyNext in order to continue your automatic giving.

You should receive an email from ShelbyNext Giving with a link where you can setup your schedule in advance of our July 1st switchover. Below is a video showing you how easy it is to get setup.