Announcements 1/12-1/18

  1. D-Groups are starting in February!!! All David Chapel members and guests are welcome to participate in a D-Group. Get with a Men’s or Women’s Ministry leader in the fellowship hall after worship to purchase your book ”Discipleship: Training from the Master Disciple Maker.” The books are $10 each. The first session will  begin  the week of February 10 –15. For more information and session dates you may visit
  2. Make plans to attend the St. John Mid-Winter Institute/Revival, Tuesday, January 14 through Friday, January 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The Institute/Revival will take place each night at the St. John Tabernacle (7501 Blessing Avenue, Austin, 78752).  There are sessions available for all members. Pastor Parker will be teaching the Brotherhood class. 
  3. Save the Date! Sunday, February 2nd at 10:30 a.m. is “Super Bowl Sunday.”  Wear jeans and your favorite football team jersey and bring your victory towels. #TeamJesus #Victory
  4. “Where Scriptures Come Alive.” Join Pastor Parker in The Holy Land in 2021. The tour is February 23 – March 4, 2021. See the registration form and brochure available on the table in the foyer and on the church website for more information. You can make your deposit and get set up on a payment installment plan.
  5. Guests and Members, for additional ministry activities and events can be viewed on the website at 
  6. Until next week, we encourage you to follow, post and support us on Instagram at “davidchapelmbc.