After the success of our first DGroup Study from Feburary to June, we’re continuing our Small Group Bible Studies into the Fall.
Starting the week of June 22-27, 2020, we will conduct our weekly congregation-wide adult discipleship Bible studies in separate men and women small groups.
All David Chapel members and guest are welcome to participate in a D-Group. Get with a Men’s or Women’s Ministry leader for more information.
D-Groups are our discipleship small groups that help move us more intentionally and strategically into making disciples.
Faith > Fear
We’ll be studying Faith > Fear, a Bible studies series published by BaptistWayPress. The Church has purchased the materials already and the electronic copy can be emailed to you once you sign up.
What are you afraid of? Spiders, snakes, heights, crowded places, germs, death, or any of a myriad number of cringe-inducing people, animals, or situations? A quick glance at the television news programs can also be a frightening experience as reports detail the latest terror threat, hideous acts of violence, racism, economic downturns, job losses, disease, etc. What are we to do?
This study will lead Christ-followers to cast off the shackles of fear, to take hold of their faith, and to confidently step into God’s calling for each part of their lives. 13 Lessons.
Sign Up to Participate
Here’s a Look Ahead at our study schedule
- Week of 6/22 –27: Lesson 1, “Fear: A Result of the Fall” (Genesis 3:1-19)
- Week of 6/29 –7/4: Lesson 2, “Fear of God’s Assignment” (Exodus 3:7-15; 4:1-17)
- Week of 7/6 –7/11: Lesson 3, “Fear of Overwhelming Obstacles” (Numbers 13:26-14:9)
- Week of 7/13 –7/18: Lesson 4, “Fear Leading to Hopelessness” (1 Kings 19:1-5, 9b-18)
- Week of 7/20 –7/25: Lesson 5, “Fear of Retribution” (Esther 4:4-17; 7:1-6)
- Week of 7/27 –8/1: Lesson 6, “Fear of Delivering an Unpopular Message” (Jeremiah 1)
- Week of 8/3 –8/8: BREAK
- Week of 8/10 –8/15: Lesson 7, “Fearing God Rather Than People” (Dan. 3:1-2, 8-18,
26-29) - Week of 8/17 –8/22: Lesson 8, “Fear Motivated by Prejudice” (Jonah 1:1-3; 3:1-5, 10;
4:1-11) - Week of 8/24 –8/29: Lesson 9, “Fear of Unmet Needs” (Luke 12:22-34)
- Week of 8/31 –9/5: Lesson 10, “Fear of Suffering” (Matthew 26:36-46)
- Week of 9/7 –9/12: BREAK
- Week of 9/14 –9/19: Lesson 11, “Fear of Being Identified with Jesus” (Luke 22:54-62)
- Week of 9/21 –9/26: Lesson 12, “Fear of Death” (1 Cor. 15:50-58)
- Week of 9/28 –10/3: Lesson 13, “Fear of Witnessing” (Acts 4:1-22)
- Week of 10/5 –10/10: BREAK
- Week of 10/12 –10/17: BREAK