Announcements: 6/9 – 6/16

These are the announcements for the week of June 9th-June 16th. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  1. The Sunday School theme for the month of June  is “God’s Story,” and the lesson for next Sunday, June 16, is “God Delivers His People.”  Please join us in study at 9:30 am.
  2. Mission II will meet Monday, June 10, at 6 pm.
  3. The family of Sister Velma Mitchell sent a card to the church as an expression of thanks for love and support  extended to them during the loss of their  loved one.
  4. Richard Overton and family extend  thanks and appreciation to the David Chapel family for supporting  his first 150 mile bike ride from Austin to Houston  to further  multiple sclerosis research.  Donations of $1296 were given to the National  Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  5. DC children and youth are featured in this month’s  Pulse publication for their achievements at the close of  this school year.  Congratulations to  Bryce Deary, Langston Deary, Trevor Deary, Elijah Jackson, Enrique Mc Call-Sierra, Kessiena Ofunrein, Ashylynn Pellette, and John W. Smith, Jr. Please give them a big round of applause.
  6. June 23 during the Student Ministry annual, all graduates will be honored.
  7. If you are 16 or older and desire to have fun, please join the summer volleyball and basketball leagues through the David Chapel Recreation Ministry.  Deacon Calvin Zanders will meet with the Recreation Ministry in the portable today immediately following 10:30 am worship.  It’s not too late to join today.
  8. Join the DC Liturgical Dance Ministry for breakfast, Saturday, July 6, from 8-10 am at Applebee’s near Highway 183.  Tickets are $10 and may be purchased in the fellowship hall after 10:30 am worship or from any Liturgical Dance Team member.
  9. DC Men, don’t miss the opportunity to fellowship with each other Saturday, June 15, beginning with a continental breakfast at 6:30 am when the Man of the Year will be selected.  A group portrait and participation in the Juneteenth Parade follow at 8 am.  Please donate a case of water or make a financial contribution.