These are the announcements for the week of July 7th-13th. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- The Sunday School theme for the summer quarter is “God’s Story,” and the lesson for next Sunday, July 14, is “God disciplines His People.” Please join us in study at 9:30 am.
- Deacon Andrew and Sister Rosie McCall sent a thank you card to the church in appreciation of the sympathy and thoughtfulness extended in the loss of her uncle.
- Family Enrichment Week begins tomorrow, July 8, at 5:30 pm. here at David Chapel. Tomorrow only pick up your meal ticket at the registration desk in the foyer. Registration is still open; see the committee in the fellowship hall after worship TODAY!
- All parents and youth who signed up for the Mission Arlington trip, there is a mandatory mission trip orientation and parent meeting in the portable immediately following today’s 10:30 am worship service.
- Attention David Chapel Men: The next Men’s Ministry breakfast is Saturday, July 20, from 9 am – 11 am. Brother Willie Miles will be in the fellowship hall today after 10:30 am worship and next Sunday, July 14, to collect your $5 donation for the meal.
- The Men’s Ministry is also in the process of placing another shirt logo order. See Brother Willie Miles for shirts prices, and he will also collect your money after the 10:30 service. August 4th is the final deadline for ordering shirts.
- Celebrate Recovery Ministry meets on the third, fourth, and fifth Mondays of each month from 6:30pm – 8:30 pm in rooms 4ABC. This ministry is open to DC members and others who need help with life’s hurts, hang—ups, and habits.
- The July Pulse Publication is now available online and in the foyer for those who do not have computer access. Please submit announcements and articles for the August publication to Keisha Nunn or the church office by Sunday, July 21.
- Share birthday wishes with the following senior adults who celebrate in the month of July: Walter Robinson, July 12; Elliott Groves, July 19; Marva Watrous, July 26, and Ida Mae Green, July 29.
- David Chapel members and guests, please join me in welcoming our new members: Don Champagne, Alicia Graham, and Sammie Griffin.