Read About the First Meeting between Pastor and his Heart Donor’s Family

Joseph Parker, pastor of David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Austin, greets the family of Darrell Jones. Jones’ death last year in a car crash allowed allowed doctors to transplant his heart and give Parker a new lease on life.

Joseph Parker, pastor of David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Austin, greets the family of Darrell Jones. Jones’ death last year in a car crash allowed allowed doctors to transplant his heart and give Parker a new lease on life.

Pastor Parker and the David Chapel congregation met the family of Darrell Jones after Parker preached the Sunday morning sermon on February 23rd. The day marked exactly a year and a month after he received Jones’ heart. God bless this family and thank God for placing it on their hearts to allow their tragic loss to be a miracle for others.

The Baptist Standard published a story about the reunion in their most recent edition. The Baptist Standard is the widely read and highly respected weekly newsjournal of Texas Baptists. Since its origin in 1888, the Standard has grown to become the most influential paper in Baptist history.

Click the link below to read the story and may God get all of the glory!

Baptist Standard: A Year After Transplant, Pastor Embraces Donor’s Family