Sharing Jesus Without Fear Home Study Locations for Wednesday, November 2nd

This fall David Chapel is bringing Bible study to a backyard near you.  Instead of our usual Wednesday night Bible Study classes at Church, we’ve divided the city into five areas and have organized simultaneous small group Bible studies with a location in each area.  All groups will start at 7pm.

We are studying the book, Sharing Jesus Without Fear.  This weeks lesson will cover “Preparations for Sharing Your Faith/Use Questions That Determine Where God Is Working” (pp 42-50).

Come out, learn, and fellowship with church members and friends that live in your area of town.  Feel free to attend a group outside of your area if it is more convenient for you.  BYOC – Bring Your Own Chair

Locations for Wednesday, November 2nd @ 7pm – (Locations are subject to change weekly)


Area 1 – 78613, 78634, 78641, 78664, 78665, 78681, 78717, 78727, 78728, 78758, 78759

Bible study location – 119 Brown Street, Hutto, TX 78634  (click for map/directions)


Area 2 – 78660, 78753

Bible study location – 907 Tayside Dr., Pflugerville, TX 78660  (click for map/directions)


Area 3 – 78653, 78721, 78724, 78725, 78754, 78701, 78702, 78704, 78741, 78722, 78723, 78752 , 78681

Bible study location – David Chapel Portable Building – 2211 E. MLK Blvd, Austin, TX 78702  (click for map/directions)


Area 4 – 78610, 78617, 78652, 78744, 78745, 78747, 78748, 78749, 78681

Bible study location – 13524 Gilwell Dr., Del Valle, TX 78617  (click for map/directions)


Area 5 – 78703, 78705, 78730, 78731, 78734, 78735, 78750, 78751, 78756, 78757

Bible study location – 3924 Conference Cove, Austin, TX 78731  (click for map/directions)