Announcements for 3/8-3/14

These are the announcements for the week of March 8th thru 14th. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The Sunday school theme for the month of Mar1st- April 19th is: Like No Other: The life of Christ, next Sunday’s lesson is “Power Like no Other” The scripture passage is Mark 4:35-41. Please join us in study at 9:15 am.
  • Attention David Chapel Members of All Ages. David Chapel’s Music, and Fine Arts Ministry invites all children, youth and adults to be a part of our 2015 Easter Program. No Experience is necessary! Sign up in the fellowship hall following worship service on today. Rehearsals will be held after Sunday worship services on today, Sunday, Mar 15th, and Mar 22nd. If you have any questions please contact Rev. Robert Pellette or Darlene Taylor.
  • This is the last Sunday to order your “Returning to Holiness.” Books. Please see Deacon Robert Emerson or Sis. Coletta Haskin after morning worship in the fellowship hall to sign- up and order your books.
  • DC will celebrate our Welcome Ministry on Sunday, March 22, 2015 @ 10:30 am. The guest minister is Rev. Kenneth Kemp, Pastor of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Beautify the sanctuary for the Easter season! Beginning March 15th, we encourage you to bring a lily to decorate the church in memory of a loved one. To participate, purchase a lily and place it in the sanctuary by the last Sunday in March. Then, submit the name of the person for whom the flower was placed in memory of to either Sis. Ernestine Hill at (512) 926-0441 or Sis. Edith McKinney at (512) 926-9133 no later than Wednesday, April 1st. Be sure to label the underside of your flower. Lilies may be picked up after worship on Sunday, April 5th.
  • David Chapel will be hosting their 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 4th at 11:00 am @Kealing Middle School Park. This is the First year DC Nursery is opening the event to the Community. We are going to need LOTS OF CANDY!! Please place your donation in the designed box in the fellowship hall.
  • Congratulations to our DC High school Seniors! You may now pick up your application for our 2015 DC Scholarships for graduating seniors. The application is located outside the office of Rev. Williams. Please completely fill out and return the application no later than Sunday, April 19, 2015 to the Student Minister’s box. You may contact Rev, Williams at if you have any questions.
  • Last year DC’s Walking Disciples Team was third in fundraising for the East Austin Relay for Life. Mark this year’s date on your calendar, but let’s begin team-building and fundraising NOW! You may register as a cancer survivor, caregiver, or team member and make contributions today after church in the fellowship hall. Please note the other dates for sign-up and contributions.