These are the announcements for the week of April 26th thru May 2nd. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.
- You’re invited to attend Sunday school at 9:15 am. Next Sunday’s lesson is “Stick with Encouragement” The scripture passage is Act 9: 26-28; 11:21-26.
- Do you know your SHAPE? All DC members are encouraged to take the SHAPE class. There will be a class on May 9th, from 9-12 pm. You may sign up starting today Apr 19, Apr 26 and May 3rd. if you have any questions please contact Cathleen Caldwell or Terrance Deary @
- Special Thanks to all who participated in this year’s Relay for Life as survivors, walkers, caregivers, and donors. DC was 2nd in fundraising ($2671), and Jolene Hall was the top participant fundraiser ($1616). Thanks to Nancy Johnson for serving as co-captain for our team fundraising efforts. You are great!
- Attention: All DC High School Seniors and College Graduates. We need your information, the graduation dates, times and locations. Please email Keisha Nunn @ No later than this Wednesday, April 29th.
- Ladies of DC. May 2 is the last day to nominate a Woman of the year. You may pick-up a form in the foyer. Please complete the form and place in Sis. Hunts mailbox. The voting will take place on Sunday, May 3rd. If you have any questions please contact Sis. Hunt.
- DC, It’s that time again! Join us for our annual church picnic hosted by the DCYA on Saturday, May 2nd form 1-4 pm. Each Ministry is asked to bring certain items.