Announcements for 7/3-7/9

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  • The Sunday school theme is Transformed: My Life in God’s Kingdom, and the lesson is “Transformed by My Choices,” with Matthew 7:13-27 as the scripture. All adult classes will study combined in the sanctuary. David Chapel members and guests are invited to study with us at 9:15 am each Sunday.
  • David Chapel family, the Pastor’s Appreciation event is right around the corner. If you are gifted to plan, organize, and give input as we make this year’s celebration a great success, we need you to sign up. Please, see Deacon Gregory and his wife Charlene today, in the fellowship hall after service.
  • Do you have a business you would like to see promoted here at DC? The WEM is hosting a time for Women and Girls to shop for jewelry, make-up and to relax with yoga, manicures, and massages on Friday, July 15, here at DC from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. To list your business and sign- up, see the DIVAS table in the fellowship hall after service today!
  • The Youth ministry will implement the “iAM a Mentor” program. We are asking all David Chapel members, career professionals, entrepreneurs, military personnel (active or retired), and others — to mentor our youth for a day, and spend some time together. We want to expose our youth to various career fields that are available. If you are interested, please see the youth ministry table today in the fellowship hall. Please, complete the survey, so we can match adults with youth!
  • The i-AM Youth Ministry is having a day of spiritual leadership, fun games, snacks and outdoor activities, such as CROSSfit with Austin’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This event will be held Saturday, July 23, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, at Auditorium Shores. See Keith Overton-Hadnot if you have any questions.
  • Make a donation to Missionary Martha Green and the children at Christian Hands Home in Kenya. During the month of July, you may make donations of backpacks, socks, and underwear. Please, place all donations in the container in the fellowship hall. Thank you for your prayers.
  • The church office will be closed Monday July 4th in observance of the holiday!!! Have fun and be safe.