- The Sunday school lesson for July 9th is “Encourage One Another,” (Acts 11:19-26). David Chapel members and guests are invited to study with us at 9:15 a.m.
- The office received a thank you card from Bro. Kyle Overton who wishes to express his thanks to everyone for their prayers, kindness and support.
- Happy July Birthday to the following seniors adults to: Frances Esmon, Walter Robinson, Annas Reed, Sue Gibson, John Griffin, Vivian Evans, and Michael Tolliver.
- The Women’s Enrichment Ministry invites all DC women and high school girls to its prayer breakfast, next Saturday, July 8th at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall. Please join us as we rejoice in the Lord and discuss the joy and meaning of having a prayerful life. Please sign-up at the Women’s Ministry table in the fellowship hall through today.
- Men’s Ministry will host a prayer breakfast, Saturday, July 15th at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall. Brothers, please make plans to attend. For more information, please see Deacon Nick Gibson.
- David Chapel’s July activity and event reminders.
- July 3-NO Mission One meeting
- July 3rd & 4th-the Office will be closed in observance of Independence Day holiday
- July 5th-NO Wednesday night worship
- July 23rd-David Chapel will have an 8:00 am worship service only.
- Members and guests, please join us for our next Wednesday night Bible study, July 12, 2017.
- The Marriage Ministry will host its monthly book study and potluck Sunday, July 16th in the portable following worship. Couples, please make plans to attend.
- You’re invited! David Chapel members, please make plans to “Meet Your Deacon and Wife,” Sunday, August 6, 2017, following worship in the fellowship hall. More information will be forthcoming!
- August PULSE announcements. For inclusion, please submit your announcements by email to communications@davidchapel.org., no later than Sunday, July 16th.
- Members and visitors, please view the DC monthly PULSE publication for additional announcements not shown available on the website at davidchapel.org. The Pulse is the primary vehicle for news, announcements, and publicity for upcoming events and initiatives in the church and community. Ministry leaders, please remember to check the online church calendar, weekly and regularly for new events and scheduling changes. Submit your announcement requests for inclusion in the PULSE by the third Sunday each month to communications.org.