Announcements for 8/13 – 8/19

  1. The Women’s Enrichment Ministry Bible study will resume, Tuesday, August 15th at 11:00 am at David Chapel, and at host homes at 7:00 pm.  A limited number of books are still available, please see Rev. Davis today in the fellowship hall after worship.
  2. The senior adult “Platinum Plus” ministry will celebrate their annual weekend September 8-10th.   Platinum Plus invites you to enjoy an “Evening of JAZZ and a dinner cruise” on Lake Austin, Saturday, September 9, 2017, at 6:30 pm for an evening of fun!  Please sign up in the fellowship hall by a senior adult today, after worship.  Cost is $50 per person.  Please make checks payable to David Chapel.
  3. The senior adult ministry is excited about their annual weekend.  The senior adult ministry in collaboration with the Deacon’s & Minister’s Wives ministry, invite you to join them in offering to “take a senior to lunch” or to “spend the day with one.” Sign-up sheets are available each Sunday through the annual weekend.
  4. Members and visitors, please view the DC monthly PULSE publication for additional announcements not shown available on the website at The Pulse is the primary vehicle for news, announcements, and publicity for upcoming events and initiatives in the church and community.  Ministry leaders, please remember to check the online church calendar, weekly and regularly for new events and scheduling changes.