Announcements for 9/3 – 9/9

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  1. The Sunday school lesson for September 10th is “Demons” (Mark 9:17-29). David Chapel members and guests are invited to study with us at 9:15 a.m.
  2. David Chapel members and guests, please help us wish happy September birthday to our senior adults; Lee Henry; Cheryl Graham; Margaret Boston; Emily Thompson; Pastor Joseph C. Parker, Jr.; Curtis Davis & Loretta Johnson; and Henry Gibson, we salute you.  Are you a senior adult with a birthday not listed? Call or email the church office.
  3. David Chapel members, if you work with or in a ministry that serves our infant & preschoolers, children, youth, and young adults, the office will facilitate mandatory background checks today and next Sunday.  Please see Sis. Diana Sonko in her office following worship. Please present your valid driver licenses.
  4. The senior adult ministry; also known as “Platinum Plus” will celebrate their annual weekend September 8-10th.  Join them for an “Evening of JAZZ and a dinner cruise” on Lake Austin, Saturday, September 9, 2017, at 6:30 pm for an evening of fun! The boat will promptly leave the dock at 6:30 pm.  Today is the final day to get your tickets, cost is $50 per person. The Sr. adults will wear their Platinum Plus t-shirts.  See a sr. adult representative in the fellowship hall today, after worship. 
  5. Are you in need of a senior adult t-shirt?  Pre-Orders will be taken today only. T-Shirt costs $12.  Please see a senior adult at the table in the fellowship hall after worship.
  6. The office will be closed Monday, September 4th in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
  7. Members and Guests, PLEASE NOTE, there has been a date change for the upcoming #WonXOne Revival hosted by David Chapel.  The revival previously scheduled for September 17th through 20th will now be held September 11th through 13th, each evening at 6:30 pm, with guest revivalist Dr. Delvin Atchison and Lecturer Dr. Ross Cullins.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Please govern yourselves accordingly.
  8. SAVE THE DATE!  Get ready as we celebrate our Pastor and family’s 25th Pastoral Appreciation – October 6-9, 2017!  More information will be forthcoming.
  9. Pastor Parker and guests, please help us welcome our New Members to our church family, John Harris, Yulanda McCarty-Harris, Langston Harris, Anita Crittendon, Ashley Dright, Jr., Regina Dright and Kyra Dright.  You are welcome.
  10. Members and visitors, please view the DC monthly PULSE publication for additional announcements not shown available on the website at The Pulse is the primary vehicle for news, announcements, and publicity for upcoming events and initiatives in the church and community.  Ministry leaders, please remember to check the online church calendar, weekly and regularly for new events and scheduling changes.