Announcements for 5/27 – 6/2

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar, by clicking here.

  1. The Sunday school lesson for June 3rd is: “Why Are We Even Here?” (Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31). Join us for study at 9:15 am.
  2. Pastor Parker and DC members received a “thank you” card from Sis. Crystal Jones & family, expressing their heartfelt thanks for all of your support during their time of bereavement.
  3. The Women’s Tuesday Bible study is currently on a “study break” and will resume August 7th. Members and guests, please join us for Bible study series with Pastor Parker, Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.
  4. DC Women, your help is needed in selecting the nominees for the “2018 Woman of the Year.” Please stop by the table in the fellowship hall for more information.
  5. The church office will be closed Monday, May 28th in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.
  6. All associate ministers, ministry/auxiliary leaders and deacons, please mark your calendars for the next “Getting the LEAD out of leadership training, Saturday, June 2, at 10:00 am.
  7. Attention all parents of nursery aged children. The nursery will be closed next Sunday, June 3rd. Please plan accordingly.
  8. Mission One members, please mark your calendars for the next meeting, Monday, June 4th at 3:00 pm.
  9. DC Women’s ministry collaborative “fan drive” is still in effect through June 30th. You may purchase a fan & bring it the church or donate increments of $15 to Jakki Dozier. Donations are tax deductible. For more information, please see Sis. Dozier.
  10. The senior adult and women’s ministries have partnered together for a community service project at the Central Texas Food Bank. Sign-up available in the fellowship hall following worship. The women’s ministry has begun taking registration for the “Desperate for Jesus Conference.” For more information stop by the table in the fellowship hall.
  11. Attention all DC parents of students through young adults; student write-ups of achievements are being accepted for inclusion in the student annual program. The deadline to submit all accomplishments are due by June 8th. The CYYA annual weekend will be July 6-8, 2018.
  12. Calling all volleyball players! The DC recreation ministry is seeking team players. If you are interested being a team member, please see Calvin Zanders, Sydney Zanders or Kevin Overton-Hadnot for more information.
  13. David Chapel members, “A DC Website Ministry is being established and skilled volunteers are needed. The primary responsibilities will include assisting with keeping the website updated. A table for persons to sign-up will be in the fellowship or you can provide your name and contact information to Diana Michael-Sonko at ( Thank you for your interest and willingness to serve in this capacity.”
  14. Join the Men’s Ministry as we participate in the Austin Juneteenth parade on June 16th. We show the community that our Church has a “Heart for the Community” by sharing the Roman Road to Salvation and distributing ice cold water at the parade.
  15. All DC men are asked to purchase five cases of bottle water. If you are unable to purchase the water but would still like to share, a financial donation is welcome to purchase ice Please see Deacon Nick Gibson, Michael Toliver or Bro. Emerson. Please bring your water and place in the Fellowship Hall on or before June 15th
  16. The “Word for You Today” devotionals are now available. You may pick up your copy on the table in the foyer after worship.
  17. Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at


Thank you for your attention to this week’s announcement highlights