Announcements for 9/23 – 9/29

These are the announcements for the week. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at 512.472.9748. You can also refer to the Church calendar.

  1. The Sunday school lesson for September 30th is: “Authentic Joy” (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10). All adult classes will study combined in the sanctuary.  Join us for study at 9:15 am.
  2. The next women’s study of the book “Pathway of Purpose for Women” will be September 25th at 11 am and 7 pm.  Join us for Wednesday night Bible study “The Prayer of Jabez” September 26th, at 7:00 pm
  3. The Evangelism Team invite you to the next community outreach effort to canvass the neighborhood, Saturday, September 29th from 10a to 12pm. Participants, please arrive at DC prepared to walk the area around our church. Assignments and materials will be provided.
  4. Join the MWFA Ministry for bowling and fellowship, at the Highland Lanes, on Saturday, September 29th from 1-3 pm. The cost is $15 per person which includes bowling and shoe rental.  This activity is open all DC members, friends, and family to participate. You must register and pay by Thursday, September 27th. For more information please contact Michael Jordan.
  5. Attention: If you are a current member, a ministry leader or a new member and have not taken the SHAPE class, sign-up in the fellowship hall. This class helps you identify and learn more about your spiritual gifts. Class begins October 6th from 9 am to 12 pm.
  6. The 26th Pastoral Family Appreciation is October 12-14, 2018. The theme is, “Our Pastor: The Responsible Shepherd.” Sunday’s guest preacher is Dr. John F. McCormick, Senior Pastor of the CrossWork Christian Center in Round Rock.  A banquet will follow worship and tickets are available for purchase in the fellowship hall today. Tickets cost $25 for ages 12 and over and $10 for ages 11 and under. A decorative box will be placed in the sanctuary for love offering to the Pastoral family — special envelopes are available in the pews; for checks please make payable to Joseph C. Parker, Jr.
  7. Pastor Parker, David Chapel members, and guests, please help us welcome our new members; Sis. Taleah Moore, Bro. Bryan Mitchell, and Bro. Otis Wilson, Jr. New members welcome to your DC family.
  8. Important elections are approaching, make sure you’re properly registered in time to vote. If you have moved, changed your name, never registered, recently turned eighteen, or are now off paper, you need to fill out a registration card. Ballot by Mail-seniors 65 years and older and college students away from home can request a ballot by phone or email. Sister’s Kaye Crosby, Bessie Evans, Vivian Rowe, Nancy Thompson, and Bro. Charles Walker are your Volunteer Deputy Registrars. Please contact them if you have any questions. Each Sunday someone will be available in the fellowship hall for more information.
  9. Follow and support us on Instagram! Download the app today. Follow us at “davidchapelmbc” for updates, announcements, Biblical inspiration and much more.
  10. Members and guests, please refer to the monthly Pulse publication for additional announcements not shown, available on the website at