Young Adults, What are YOU bringing to the Picnic?

As you know, the church picnic is on April 21st from 4pm-7pm at Givens park and the Young Adult Ministry has been in charge of coordinating the entire event. The theme for this year’s picnic is “Together We Stand,” and it promises to be an afternoon filled with cross-generational fun!

We need two things from you:

  1. RSVP to come to the Picnic (click here to RSVP online)
  2. Volunteer to bring something and to help coordinate something on the day of the event

Several ministries, including the Young Adults, have been asked to bring certain items.  Young Adults are being counted on to bring Soda, Water, Juice boxes, and Ice/ Coolers. We also need people to help setup, serve food, help with games for the kids, and hospitality (making sure everyone has drinks, napkins etc. Especially the seniors who aren’t as mobile).

Please submit the form below to let us know how you plan to contribute/help in these areas:

[contact-form subject=”Online Picnic Submission” to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Phone Number” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”I am bringing” type=”radio” options=”Soda,Water,Juice Boxes,Ice,Cooler” /] [contact-field label=”I want to help with (use comment box if you want to help in multiple areas)” type=”radio” options=”Picnic setup,Serving Food,Help with Games with Kids,Hospitality” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]

About Young Adult Ministry

DCYA is a community of single or married young adults aged 18-36 committed to building meaningful relationships, serving our community, and developing our spiritual maturity. Stay connected with us through our newsletter or through our Facebook page.