National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is the coming together of all people of all faiths to unite with purpose, compassion, and hope. The goal of the week is to educate every American about HIV prevention; encourage and support HIV testing; advocate for the availability of compassionate care and treatment for […]

Keep up to date on Pastor Parker’s Condition

Pastor Parker was in critical need for God to heal his current heart or provide him a new heart donor by Transplant.  God provided after only a few short weeks of being on the transplant list — a TRUE miracle! Please continue to keep Pastor Parker and the family in your prayers. Pray that all goes well […]

Worship, Music, and Fine Arts rehearsals for February

Rehearsals for the week of February 4th: Liturgical Dance Ministry DC Dance Practice (Monday, February 4, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.) Male Mime/Dance (Monday, February 4, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.) Adult Praise Signers (Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.) Choir ??City Wide Mass Choir Rehearsal (Monday, February 4, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.) Praise Team (Thursday, […]

Volunteers Needed: 2013 Family Enrichment Week

Please consider donating your talents to Family Enrichment Week this summer. This year’s theme is “Athens: Paul’s Dangerous Journey To Share The Truth.” Volunteers are needed in the following areas: Oikos Leaders, Shopkeeper/Market Place, Arena Games, Drama Team, Decorations, Set-up, Clean-up, and Community Outreach/Publicity. FEW Director Rev. Cedric Mitchell is also available to answer any questions […]

Easter Play Auditions

The Drama Ministry has begun preparations for its annual Easter production and is looking for budding actors and actresses of all ages to participate. An open casting call will be held February 3 after the 10:30 worship service in the portable. A second audition is February 10, 2013 after 10:30 a.m. service in the “Beige […]

DC Communications Needs You

In 2013, DC will renew the quarterly newsletter. While the monthly “Pulse” is what we do, the quarterly newsletter is who we are. It will highlight our partnerships with community organizations, volunteer projects, and emphasize our faith in action. It is how we demonstrate DC is a church with a heart for the community. The […]

Choose a Child from this year’s Angel Tree

Support David Chapel’s annual participation in the Angel Tree Ministry. Angel Tree is a prison fellowship program that connects parents in prison with their children through the delivery of  Christmas gifts. Members can select a child from the Angel Tree on the following Sundays:  November 18, November 25, and December 2 immediately after worship service […]

November 2012 Edition of The Pulse

What’s going on for the month of November? Read the Pulse and get important details including: choosing a child for this year’s Angel Tree, DC Family Photo Album Scheduling, a workshop for new Medicare enrollees, and the Annual DC Pre Thanksgiving Community Dinner.

Church-Wide Photo Directory – Sign up Today!

Mark your calendars and be a part of our new family directory. We need YOU to make our family album complete and put names to faces. We have chosen to partner with Lifetouch for professional photography that will connect our members and tell our story. Lifetouch will be on-site Tuesday, December 4, 2012 through Saturday, […]

Pastoral Family Appreciation Service this Sunday

At the 10:30am service on Sunday, October 14th, we’ll be celebrating the twenty year milestone of Pastor Parker leading our church. Let’s Fill the House!  To ensure Pastor Parker and the first family feel the love and understand the impact they have made over the last 20 years of service, invite your family, friends, and former […]