National Back to Church Sunday

“Hey, how would you like to go to church with me this Sunday?” Chances are you’ve never heard this phrase and most likely you have never spoken it… Studies show that 82% of unchurched people would attend if someone invited them! Yet fewer than 2% of Christians ever invite an unchurched person! National Back to […]

HIV National Week of Prayer – Free Tests this Sunday!

The HIV National Week of Prayer will be held March 4-10, 2012 and David Chapel is excited to participate. We believe that the church should not be a place for condemnation of those affected, but of prayer, support, and understanding. Furthermore, we believe that everyone needs to be armed with accurate information. Download the HIV-AID […]

Get involved – March Ministry Expo

How do you fit into the life of David Chapel?  Are you looking for ministry opportunitunites that will allow you to serve out your faith in a real and meaningful way? If the answer is yes, then visit the March Ministry Expo, March 4th following the 10:30 am worship service. The featured ministries  for the month of March are […]

Graduate & Law School Scholarships Available. Deadline Soon!

Texas Appleseed Diversity Legal Scholars Program (Postmark Deadline: March 1, 2012) The Diversity Legal Scholars program provides several scholarships for a Kaplan LSAT preparation course to college seniors, graduate students, and recent college graduates who are interested in attending law school. Applicants must apply for Fall 2013 admission to at least one law school in Texas. […]