Youth grades 6th through 12th, join us on Zoom August 10-14 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm daily for reNEW YOUth Week 2020. Learn foundational skills to navigate through life as youth. Register below and we will provide you with the Zoom access information. Sunday Morning Bible Study Looking for a Youth Bible Study? If so, we […]
Women’s Enrichment Ministry 2020 Kick-Off
Join the Women’s Enrichment Ministry Kick-Off Event, Saturday, February 22, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sign up on Sunday, February 16th after worship in the fellowship hall. This year’s theme is: “Making Dynamic Disciples.” The attire is “African or Red, Black, and Green.” Please join us for fun, food, and fellowship as we learn […]
21 Days of “Fast Praise” – February 1-21
Beginning February 1, 2020 , David Chapel will be fasting and praying as a congregation — seeking God’s direction and growing closer to Him. Instead of requiring a specific fast, Pastor Parker asks that our members decide how they will fast individually or as a family. Biblical fasting is a normal part of a person’s […]
Wear Jerseys and Jeans to our Super Bowl Sunday Service #TeamJesus
On Sunday, February 2nd will be having our 2nd Annual SuperBowl Sunday service where we encourage everyone to wear jeans and your favorite team’s jersey. We had a great time last year and we want you to join in with us! Be sure to bring your Victory Towels!
2021 Holy Land Trip with Pastor Parker
Join Pastor Parker on a 2021 trip to the Holy Land with an option to travel to Egypt, with the option to pay in installments leading up to trip.
Join Pastor Parker to Share Your Ministry Needs
We have recently gone through a season of fasting and praying and God is working in David Chapel! Accordingly, you are invited to attend the following listening sessions, depending upon your applicable group, to share your ministry needs with Pastor Parker. Depending on Date, the sessions will be held in either the Fellowship Hall or […]
Sign Up for March Mercy
Please register to attend DC’s March Mercy Basketball and Skills Camp on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at The Quarries. This event is being rescheduled. Each registration includes lunch. Signups will reopen once date is rescheduled.
David Chapel hosting Hampton University Choir
David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church is hosting the Hampton (Va.) University Concert Choir on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM CST. Under the leadership of Professor Omar J. Dickenson, the choir will present a myriad of musical compositions and arrangements that are guaranteed to engage, enlighten, entertain and encourage all who […]
Tickets Available for Taste of DC: Men Who Cook, Sunday March 10th
You are invited to participate in our Taste of DC: Men Who Cook, Sunday March 10th after Worship! Come sample delicious food dishes created by our DC men. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the iAM Youth Ministry, Youth leadership retreat, cultural events and mission driven opportunities. “We’re trying to do things with the Youth Ministry to enrich […]
21 Days of “Fast Praise” – February 7-28
Beginning February 7, 2019 , David Chapel will be fasting and praying as a congregation — seeking God’s direction and growing closer to Him. Instead of requiring a specific fast, Pastor Parker asks that our members decide how they will fast individually or as a family. Biblical fasting is a normal part of a person’s […]