Join the Women’s Enrichment Ministry on Saturday, April 30th for a Welcome Back Fellowship from 1PM – 3PM in the fellowship hall.
Eldercare Summer Fan Drive
Join the David Chapel Divas as they partner with Family Eldercare in their 28th Annual Fan Drive to provide relief from life threatening heat for low-income seniors, adults with disabilities and families with young children. Please purchase a 20 inch box fan or 12 inch or larger oscillating fan, or you may donate funds in […]
Get Ready for our 21 Days of Fasting
From February 8-28, 2017, David Chapel will be fasting and praying as a congregation — seeking God’s direction and growing closer to Him. Instead of doing a specific fast, we ask that our members decide what they will fast from individually or as a family. Pastor Parker has prepared a handout for you covering the […]
Sweet Seder – Judaism and iAM Youth Ministry’s Experience
As we live out the meaning of #TOGODEVERYONEMATTERS, the iAM Youth Ministry committed to living out our call to be a “Church with a Heart for the Community.” On Sunday, April 24th, we invited and welcomed Mr. Andy, a member of the Jewish faith, to speak to us about Judaism, the similarities and differences of […]
Read About the First Meeting between Pastor and his Heart Donor’s Family
Pastor Parker and the David Chapel congregation met the family of Darrell Jones after Parker preached the Sunday morning sermon on February 23rd. The day marked exactly a year and a month after he received Jones’ heart. God bless this family and thank God for placing it on their hearts to allow their tragic loss to […]
Checkup on Your Fast
Now that we have completed our 21-day fast, we continue to pray and seek God. It will be helpful to learn how you were touched by your time of fasting and to hear what God has already shown during this season. Please complete this survey if you are willing to share your experience so that […]
Mother/Daughter-Son Luncheon on May 11th
Please join us on May 11th at 11:00 a.m. for the 2013 Mother/Daughter-Son Luncheon in the DC Fellowship Hall. During the luncheon, the women will nominate and select the “Woman of the Year for 2013-2014.” As part of our heart for the community, the luncheon will also provide an opportunity to donate toiletry items for DC members […]
DC Communications Needs You
In 2013, DC will renew the quarterly newsletter. While the monthly “Pulse” is what we do, the quarterly newsletter is who we are. It will highlight our partnerships with community organizations, volunteer projects, and emphasize our faith in action. It is how we demonstrate DC is a church with a heart for the community. The […]
Back 2 School Rally Recap
Several came out on Sept. 15th for our annual Back 2 School Rally. We had a great time showing our heart for the community as we encouraged the families and staff of LL Campbell Elementary to D.R.E.A.M. Big!!! We gave out door prizes, played games, ate fun carnival foods, and each student left with a […]